January 10, 2025
Pyr into the brain.
Peep a few pyramidal neurons:
Pyr is all about pyramidal neurons, the primary excitatory neuron of the brain.
The brain can broadly be classified into volumes of grey and white matter. The surface volume of the brain commonly referred to as grey matter is scientifically called cortex. Cortex is where almost all cell bodies and synapses are found. If you go deeper into the brain, you get to white matter axonal highways.
Above you can see a column of cells through the depth of cortex. Above the top is the surface of the brain. From Layer 1 at the top down to layer 6. The deeper cells are generally larger and are thought to project farther.
Check out the details on this giant Layer 5 Pyramidal neuron:
Mossy fiber synapses found in Hippocampus CA3: