Spelunker 102: Advanced Proofreading Tips
In this guide, we’re going to go over some of the more “hidden features” of Spelunker that will take your proofreading to the next level!
Pyr Challenge 1: The 400
Update: Challenge 1 has been completed! Amazing effort by our pioneer group of Pyr citizen scientists! Check out the leaderboard below: About Challenge 1: Pyr is finally here! Dive into the hippocampus, a region of brain important for learning and memory. We begin our quest with Challenge 1: The 400, a set of presynaptic axons…
Cell and Anatomy Guide to CA3
Here is a collection of cell classes found in the CA3 region of mouse hippocampus. To request early dataset access, email support@eyewire.org. CA3 is a part of the hippocampal formation, a cluster of brain regions involved in learning and memory. It acts in many ways. One is as a pattern-recognition hub, using connections among cells to…
Proofreading 101: Climb into Spelunker
Spelunker is the latest neuroglancer version for proofreading and annotating large electron microscopy datasets, such as the BANC. Whether you’re brand new to proofreading or or need some guidance while getting acquainted with the updated platform, this tutorial will help get going. Interface overview Let’s begin by taking a look at the spelunker interface. Here…