Tag: 101

  • Common User Errors in the Minnie Dataset

    Common User Errors in the Minnie Dataset

    In this tutorial we’ll go over some common user-created proofreading errors in Minnie. Learning to identify these types of errors can greatly improve your proofreading accuracy! Branch morphology As you’re searching for branch continuations while proofreading, make sure you are taking a holistic view of your cell. While you of course want your EM slides…

  • Proofreading 101: Climb into Spelunker

    Proofreading 101: Climb into Spelunker

    Spelunker is the latest neuroglancer version for proofreading and annotating large electron microscopy datasets, such as the BANC. Whether you’re brand new to proofreading or or need some guidance while getting acquainted with the updated platform, this tutorial will help get going.