A Test Post
A hippocampal neuron. Axon shown in red.
CA3 Cell Guide
Prominent cell types and structures found in CA3 region of mouse hippocampus. To request early access, email support@eyewire.org. Excitatory Neurons Thorny Pyramidal Neurons These cells are actively under investigation. Neuroglancer link (requires at least View Access through pyr.ai) Athorny Pyramidal Neurons Neuroglancer link Inhibitory Cells Characterized by general lack of spininess. These cells are under…
Pyr into the Brain
If you remember how you got to this page, you can thank your hippocampus. This specialized structure deep in the brain is a control hub for a multitude of critical cognitive tasks such as spatial navigation, pattern recognition, and memory formation. It receives input from many parts of the brain and sends output just as…